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Key Performance Measures


The following is a listing of the key measures of each of the bureaus in the Department. After this list is a discussion of the Department’s most important results, challenges, and action plans by strategic goal. This list is not all inclusive.

Strategic Goal 1:
Provide the information and tools to maximize U.S. competitiveness and enable economic growth for American industries, workers and consumers
Strategic Objective 1.1:
Enhance economic growth for all Americans by developing partnerships with private sector and nongovernmental organizations
Private sector dollars invested in distressed communities as a result of EDA investments (EDA)
Jobs created or retained in distressed communities as a result of EDA investments (EDA)
Percentage of undertaken advocacy actions completed successfully (ITA)
Dollar value of contract awards obtained (MBDA)
Dollar value of financial awards obtained (MBDA)
Strategic Objective 1.2:
Advance responsible economic growth and trade while protecting American security
Number of market access and compliance cases completed (ITA)
Percent of licenses requiring interagency referral referred within nine days. (BIS)
Number of actions that result in a deterrence or prevention of a violation and cases which result in a criminal and/or administrative charge (BIS)
Strategic Objective 1.3:
Enhance the supply of key economic and demographic data to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the American public
Achieve pre-determined collection rates for Census Bureau censuses and surveys in order to provide statistically reliable data to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the public (Census)
Release data products for Census Bureau programs on time to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the public (Census)
Timeliness: Reliability of delivery of economic data (number of scheduled releases issued on time) (BEA)
Relevance: Customer satisfaction with quality of products and services (mean rating on a 5-point scale) (BEA)
Accuracy: Percent of GDP estimates correct (BEA)
Strategic Goal 2:
Foster science and technological leadership by protecting intellectual property (IP), enhancing technical standards, and advancing measurement science
Strategic Objective 2.1:
Develop tools and capabilities that improve the productivity, quality, dissemination, and efficiency of research
Qualitative assessment and review of technical quality and merit using peer review (NIST)
Customer satisfaction with NTIS products and services (NTIS)
Strategic Objective 2.2:
Protect intellectual property and improve the patent and trademark system
Patent allowance error rate (USPTO)
Trademark final action deficiency rate (USPTO)
IP technical activities completed (USPTO)
Strategic Objective 2.3:
Advance the development of global e-commerce and enhanced telecommunications and information services
Support new telecom and information technology by advocating Administration views in FCC docket filings and congressional proceedings (NTIA)
Strategic Goal 3:
Observe, protect, and manage the Earth’s resources to promote environmental stewardship
Strategic Objective 3.1:
Advance understanding and predict changes in the Earth’s environment to meet America’s economic, social, and environmental needs
Tornado warnings lead time (minutes) (NOAA)
Hurricane forecast track error (48 hours) (nautical miles) (NOAA)
Determine the national explained variance (%) for temperature and precipitation for the contiguous United States using USCRN stations (NOAA)
Strategic Objective 3.2:
Enhance the conservation and management of coastal and marine resources to meet America’s economic, social, and environmental needs
Number of major stocks with an “unknown” stock status (NOAA)
Reduce the hydrographic survey backlog within navigationally significant areas (square nautical miles surveyed per year) (NOAA)
Management Integration Goal:
Achieve organizational and management excellence
  Provide accurate and timely financial information and conform to federal standards, laws, and regulations governing accounting and financial management (DM)
Improve the management of information technology (DM)
Percentage of OIG recommendations accepted by departmental and bureau management (OIG)


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