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Summary of Performance Results


The Department’s three diverse strategic goals and a Department-wide management integration goal promote the mission of the Department through the various actions of each bureau. What follows is a table summarizing the performance results that were achieved by the Department and a table listing the key measures of the Department. A goal is said to have been met if 100 percent of the targets of its corresponding measures were achieved, significantly met if 75 percent to 99 percent of its targets were achieved, and not met if less than 75 percent of its targets were achieved.

Strategic Goal 1:
Provide the information and tools to maximize U.S. competitiveness and enable economic growth for American industries, workers, and consumers
Strategic Objective 1.1:
Enhance economic growth for all Americans by developing partnerships with private sector and nongovernmental organizations
Increase private enterprise and job creation in economically distressed communities Green, Met (100%)
Improve community capacity to achieve and sustain economic growth Green, Met (100%)
Enhance U.S. competitiveness in domestic and international markets Red, Not Met (<75%)
Broaden and deepen U.S. exporter base Red, Not Met (<75%)
Increase access to the marketplace and financing for minority-owned businesses Yellow, Significantly Met (75% to 99%)
Strategic Objective 1.2:
Advance responsible economic growth and trade while protecting American security
Identify and resolve unfair trade practices Yellow, Significantly Met (75% to 99%)
Maintain and strengthen an adaptable and effective U.S. export control and treaty compliance system Green, Met (100%)
Integrate non-U.S. actors to create a more effective global export control and treaty compliance system Green, Met (100%)
Eliminate illicit export activity outside the global export control and treaty compliance system Green, Met (100%)
Ensure continued U.S. technology leadership in industries that are essential to national security** Black (Not Applicable)
Strategic Objective 1.3:
Enhance the supply of key economic and demographic data to support effective decision-making of policymakers, businesses, and the American public
Meet the needs of policymakers, businesses, non-profit organizations, and the public for current and benchmark measures of the U.S. population, economy, and governments Green, Met (100%)
Promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic data in an objective and cost-effective manner Green, Met (100%)
Strategic Goal 2:
Foster science and technological leadership by protecting intellectual property (IP), enhancing technical standards, and advancing measurement science
Strategic Objective 2.1:
Develop tools and capabilities that improve the productivity, quality, dissemination, and efficiency of research
Promote innovation, facilitate trade, and ensure public safety and security by strengthening the nation’s measurements and standards infrastructure Green, Met (100%)
Accelerate private investment in and development of high-risk, broad-impact technologies Green, Met (100%)
Raise the productivity and competitiveness of small manufacturers Yellow, Significantly Met (75% to 99%)
Enhance public access to worldwide scientific and technical information through improved acquisition and dissemination activities Green, Met (100%)
Strategic Objective 2.2:
Protect intellectual property and improve the patent and trademark system
Improve the quality of patent products and services and optimize patent processing time Yellow, Significantly Met (75% to 99%)
Improve the quality of trademark products and services and optimize trademark processing time Green, Met (100%)
Create a more flexible organization through transitioning patent and trademark operations to an e-government environment and advancing intellectual property development worldwide Green, Met (100%)
Strategic Objective 2.3:
Advance the development of global e-commerce and enhanced telecommunications and information services
Ensure that the allocation of radio spectrum provides the greatest benefit to all people Green, Met (100%)
Promote the availability, and support new sources, of advanced telecommunications Green, Met (100%)
Strategic Goal 3:
Observe, protect, and manage the Earth’s resources to promote environmental stewardship
Strategic Objective 3.1:
Advance understanding and predict changes in the Earth’s environment to meet America’s economic, social, and environmental needs
Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Red, Not Met (<75%)
Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Yellow, Significantly Met (75% to 99%)
Strategic Objective 3.2:
Enhance the conservation and management of coastal and marine resources to meet America’s economic, social, and environmental needs
Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Green, Met (100%)
Support the nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Red, Not Met (<75%)
Management Integration Goal:
Achieve organizational and management excellence
  Identify and effectively manage human and material resources critical to the success of the Department’s strategic goals Red, Not Met (<75%)
Promote improvements to Commerce programs and operations by identifying and completing work that (1) promotes integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness; and (2) prevents and detects fraud, waste, and abuse Green, Met (100%)
* Green = MET (100%) Yellow = SIGNIFICANTLY MET (75% - 99%)  Red = NOT MET (<75%)  Black = NOT APPLICABLE  (back)
** This goal had one measure—Percent of industry assessments resulting in BIS determination, within three months of completion, on whether to revise export controls. No assessments were completed until late in the fourth quarter, so data or estimated data will not be available before January 1, 2007. Results will be reported in the FY 2007 PAR. (back)


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